Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Mix'up info for Gamers

The Switchblade is a clamshell design with a seven inch screen at the top and a tactile keyboard that adapts to whatever game you’re playing with icons replacing the key symbols. Inside, there’s WiFi and 3G connectivity, a discrete graphics card and an Intel Atom processor.

The company has put out a press release today claiming that the Switchblade is the first device to use Intel’s Atom Z690 CPU running at 1.7GHz. Razer reckons this is good enough for gaming, although to be honest I’m not convinced – an Atom is an Atom is an Atom and all that. Not that it matters hugely, the Switchblade is still only a concept device with no firms plans by Razer to bring it to market – although giving out details of the chip inside does make it more likely that it will eventually appear.
Also, it’s beautiful and rightly won lots of awards at CES. And this is as good an excuse as any to show off pictures of what a handheld PC gaming tablet might look like, if we were very lucky.



Source is : PC GAMER

Comic-Con Cosplay

Credit belong to Gamespot

Garrus Vakarian and Urdnot Wrex from mass effect

Scorpion from Mortal Kombat Series



















































And more of them in : Here

 And for the indie game i pick Legend of Fae via Steam

About the Game

Sea Cross Island was a quiet haven just off the mainland, but recently strange things have been happening! Mysterious creatures known as Fae have started appearing and are wreaking havoc. A young girl named Claudia, is thrust into adventure as she searches for her missing uncle amongst the chaos. It's a dangerous journey but she's not without friends. Four elementals are drawn to her aid as Claudia finds out that she’s actually a sorceress! Embark on a journey to discover the secret behind the mysterious Faery Gates.

Key features:

  • 50 + levels
  • Upgrade customization
  • Cute Monsters!
  • Active time puzzle combat!
  • Boss Battles!

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
    • Processor: Pentium or equivilent
    • Memory: 270 MB
    • Hard Disk Space: 76 MB
    • Video Card: Direct X 8 or higher compatible
    • DirectX®: Direct X 8 or higher

Buy it : Here

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Tips and Trik Psikotest

Sedikit out of topic dari game tapi gak papa la buat pengetahuan :)

Apa psikotest itu dan penting tidak untuk pekerjaan?. Psikotest merupakan test psikologi seseorang dimana dari hasil test itu diketahui sifat orang yang ditest. Dalam melamar pekerjaan pasti melewati tahap ini, sehingga seseorang akan dinilai cocok atau tidaknya dengan pekerjaan yang akan dihadapi.Kelemahan test ini adalah “ketidakpastiannya”,karena faktor tersebut dapat memutarbalikan perhitungan logis seseorang. 

Saya juga pernah menghadapi hal serupa, pertama-tama saya bingung apa yang diujikan dalam sebuah psikotest.

Walhasil saya bisa gagal dengan suksesnya dalam psikotest yang saya ikuti :D, dan kemudian saya ingin berbagi kepada anda - anda semua contoh-contoh test tersebut:

1. Tes Logika Aritmatika
Tes ini terdiri atas deret angka. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah kemampuan analisa anda dalam memahami pola-pola/kecenderungan tertentu (dalam wujud deret angka) untuk kemudian memprediksikan hal-hal lain berdasarkan pola tersebut. Tipsnya:
1) jangan terpaku pada deret hitung atau deret ukur perhitungan matematika saja yaitu jangan terpaku pada 3 -4 angka terdepan dalam deret namun adakalanya anda melihat deret secara keseluruhan karena pola bisa berupa urutan, pengelompokan berurutan maupun pengelompokan loncat.
2) Ingat keterbatasan waktu. Jangan terlalu asyik dan terpaku hanya pada sebuah soal yang penasaran ingin anda pecahkan, lompati ke soal berikutnya karena terkadang soal di bawahnya lebih mudah dipecahkan dibandingkan soal sebelumnya.
3) Anda bisa melatih kemampuan anda ini dari buku-buku tes UMPTN/SPMB untuk materi deret hitung/deret ukur. Contoh:
- 16 8 4 2 1 1/2 … …
- 45 15 18 6 9 3 … …
2. Test Logika Penalaran
Tes ini terdiri atas deret gambar baik 2 maupun 3 dimensi. Yang ingin diukur dalam tes ini adalah kemapuan anda dalam memahami pola-pola/kecenderungan tertentu (dalam wujud gambar) untuk kemudian melakukan prediksi berdasarkan pola anda tersebut: Tipsnya: konsetrasi, hati-hati dan teliti. Karena bentuk-bentuk yang ditawarkan hampir serupa walau tak sama.Contoh:
3. Analog Verbal Test.
Tes ini terdiri atas 40 soal yang berisi sinonim/antonim/analog suatu kata. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah kemampuan logika anda terhadap sebuah kondisi, untuk melihat sejauh mana anda memahami sebab-akibat suatu permasalahan. Tipsnya: Apabila anda bermasalah dengan konsentrasi dan logika, anda bisa mem-bypass-nya dengan menghafal soal dan jawaban. Karena beberapa kali penulis menghadapi tes in, soal yang diberikan relatif sama. Contoh:
- wanita : kebaya = pria :
- a. sepatu b. baju c. topi d. jas
- kubus : pyramid = empat persegi :
- a. peti b. mesir c. pentagon d. segitiga

4. Kraeplien/Pauli.
Tes ini terdiri atas gugusan angka-angka yang tersusun secara membujur (atas-bawah) dalam bentuk lajur-lajur. Calon pegawai diminta untuk menjumlahkan dua angka yang berdekatan dalam waktu tertentu di setiap kolom dan menuliskan disampingnya. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah konsistensi, ketahanan, sikap terhadap tekanan, kemampuan daya penyesuaian diri, ketelitian sekaligus kecepatan dalam mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan. Tipsnya :
1) Jangan sekalipun menggunakan pensil mekanis dalam tes ini melainkan pensil biasa atau pulpen saja, karena tes ini sangat terikat dengan waktu. Pensil mekanis membutuhkan di-reload ketika ujung granitnya habis, mekanisme ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 0.5-1 detik. Apabila anda melakukan reload dalam 10 lajur berarti anda telah kehilangan waktu 5-10 detik.
2) Usahakan jumlah angka yang dijumlahkan di masing-masing kolom stabil. Hasilnya akan lebih baik jika dibandingkan anda memaksakan diri di awal tes namun tergopoh-gopoh di pertengahan dan akhir tes. Kendalikan diri anda untuk menghemat tenaga.
3) Jangan sekalipun melakukan cheating terhadap waktu maupun hasil penjumlahan. Hal ini akan merugikan anda sendiri karena justru untuk cheating anda akan membutuhkan waktu sekian detik untuk memutuskan dan itu berarti justru membuang waktu dan memubuat grafik penjumlahan anda tidak alami.
4) Hal yang paling penting dari keseluruhan tes kraeplein adalah konsentrasi. Terkadang anda akan merasa blank padapertengahan tes, namun anda harus bisa bangkit & fokus lagi pada tes. Untuk itu kondisi fisik sangat berpengaruh. Usahakan tidak begadang dan sarapan dahulu sebelum berangkat tes karena model tes ini sangat menyedot energi anda.
5. Wartegg Test.
Tes ini terdiri atas 8 kotak yang berisi bentukan-bentukan tertentu seperti titik, garis kurva, 3 garis sejajar, kotak, dua garis saling memotong, dua garis terpisah, tujuh buah titik tersusun melengkung dan garis melengkung. Anda akan diminta menggambar kemudian menuliskan urutan gambar yang telah anda buat, lalu menuliskan nomor gambar mana paling disukai, tidak disukai, sulit dan mudah menurut anda. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah emosi, imajinasi, intelektual dan aktifitas subjek. Contoh:
Tipsnya adalah:
1) Urutan menggambar sebaiknya anda buat kombinasi antara sesuai nomor dan acak. Misalnya 1,2,3,4 kemudian 8,7,6,5. Karena apabila anda menggambar berdasarkan urutan 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 anda dipandang HRD sebagai orang yang kaku/konservatif sedangkan apabila anda menggambar secara acak misalnya 5,7,6,8,3,2,4,1 anda akan dipandang HRD sebagai orang yang terlalu kreatif, inovatif dan cenderung suka akan ‘breaking the low‘.
2) Kalau anda bergender lelaki jangan mulai dengan nomor 5, karena beberapa anggapan menyebutkan hal ini berpengaruh terhadap orientasi seks anda. Berikut ini adalah salah satu contoh pengerjaan yang pernah digunakan penulis untuk melewati tahap psikotes ini:
6. Draw A Man Test (DAM).
Tes ini mengharuskan anda untuk menggambar sesorang, unuk kemudian anda deskripsikan usia, jenis kelamin dan aktifitas orang tersebut. Tes ini dipergunakan untuk mengatahui tanggung jawab, kepercayaan diri, kestabilan dan ketahanan kerja. Tipsnya:
1) Gambarlah orang tersebut secara utuh mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ke ujung kaki, termasuk detil muka seperti mata, hidung, mulut dan telinga.
2) Gambarlah orang tersebut dalam keadaan sedang melakukan aktifitas, misalnya pak tani sedang membawa cangkul, eksekutif muda sedang menenteng koper dsb.
7. Army Alpha Intelegence Test.
Tes ini terdiri atas 12 soal yang berisi kombinasi deretan angka dan deretan bentuk. Soal satu soal kadang terkait dengan soal sebelumya. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah kemampuan daya tangkap Anda dalam menerima dan melaksanakan instruksi dengan cepat dan tepat. Tipsnya : konsentrasilah kepada apa yang dikatakan narator, karena narator tidak akan mengulang instruksi tersebut dan waktu yang diberikan sangat terbatas. Sabar, jangan terburu menjawab, sebelum narator selesai memberikan instruksi. Contoh:
Narator akan mediktekan soal sebagai berikut : “Coretlah angka ganjil dalam kotak dan coretlah angka genap yang berhuruf dalam lingkaran, kerjakan!”
8. Menggambar Pohon.
Tes ini terdiri atas tugas untuk menggambar pohon dengan kriteria : berkambium (dicotyl), bercabang dan berbuah. Sehingga tidak diperbolehkan kepada anda menggambar pohon jenis bambu, pisang, semak belukar ataupun jenis tanaman monocotyl lainnya. Tipsnya :
1) Pada setiap tes menggambar pohon yang pernah dilalui, penulis selalu menggambar pohon nangka. Karena pohon tersebut mewakili jenis tanaman dicotyl / berkambium.
2) Walaupun anda tidak begitu pandai dalam hal menggambar, usahakan menggambar secara detil dan rinci setiap komponen dari pohon tersebut seperti tangkai, bentuk daun, kerapatan daun, buah, akar bahkan alur pohon.
3) Untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal, fotolah pohon tersebut, pelajari karakter jenis pohonnya, kemudian latihlah kemampuan menggambar anda dengan mengacu pada foto tersebut.
9. Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS).
Tes ini terdiri atas pilihan-pilhan jawaban yang paling mencerminkan diri anda. Tes ini dipergunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar motivasi, kebutuhan dan motif seseorang. Tipsnya:
1) Jawablah setiap pertanyaan dengan jujur sesuai dengan kondisi anda, setidaknya yang paling mendekati, karena pertanyaan akan berulang di nomor-nomor berikutnya, sehingga apabila jawaban anda tidak sinkron, hal ini akan merugikan Anda. Kejujuran anda terkait dengan cerminan kesesuaian diri anda terhadap lowongan pekerjaan yang anda lamar.
2) Secara keseluruhan, tes EPPS ini memang paling sulit untuk di-adjustment (diakali), namun setidaknya ada beberapa pertanyaan yang bisa di-adjustment untuk disesuaikan dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang anda pilihan. Misalnya ketika anda melamar menjadi pegawai Bank, pilihlah jawaban-jawaban yang mencerminkan kejujuran, keteraturan, kedisiplinan dan mampu bekerja dalam teamwork.
3) Karena sulitnya proses adjusment tehadap tes ini, jalan paling praktis yang dapat ditempuh adalah memperbaiki diri (self improvement) anda dalam segala hal, setup diri anda menjadi seakan-akan seseorang profesional dalam setiap tingkah laku keseharian anda seperti: jujur, tepat janji, tanggung jawab dan disiplin. Karena cerminan pola pikir dan tingkah laku positif diri anda, akan tertuang tanpa anda sadari dalam hasil tes. Contoh Soalnya:
- A. Saya suka memuji orang yang saya kagumi
- B. Saya ingin merasa bebas untuk melakukan apa saja yang saya kehendaki
- A. Saya merasa bahwa dalam banyak hal saya kalah dibandingkan orang lain
- B. Saya suka mengelakkan tanggung jawab dan kewajiban-kewajiban
10. Learning By Doing.
Pengalaman memang guru yang paling baik. Lakukan perbaikan-perbaikan secara continue baik terhadap diri anda maupun terhadap kemampuan anda, di setiap psikotes yang anda hadapi. Misalnya seperti : melatih diri terhadap kesalahan/kesulitan yang dihadapi pada psikotes sebelumnya, membaca kembali materi psikotes secara keseluruhan semalam sebelum menghadapi psikotes (refreshment) dan mempersiapkan fisik sebaik-baiknya karena pada dasarnya psikotes akan selalu Anda kerjakan dalam keadaan tegang dan tekanan. Karena dengan mekanisme tersebut, psikotes bukan meruapakan momok yang harus anda hindari, namun anda akan lambat laun berteman dan akrab dengan psikotes.

Bonus link psikotest online yang layak anda semua coba :


Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Age of empire online ... worth to be waiting

Game Overview

Game Overview

Age of Empires Online Launches August 16th, 2011!

Age of Empires Online – the next chapter in the best-selling Age of Empires PC game franchise – will be available worldwide August 16th, 2011 in retail stores and online at www.ageofempiresonline.com. With its launch, the game will feature two of the greatest ancient civilizations – the Greeks and Egyptians – and offer more than 40 hours of gameplay for free!
And that’s just where the experience starts! As players grow their empires and look for new adventures, Age of Empires Online delivers the opportunity to buy new Premium Content Packs – everything from entirely new civilizations to Booster Packs with new game modes and more. It’s the biggest Age of Empires game ever.
What’s more, Age of Empires Online adds new social interaction, customization, and MMORPG gameplay in an evolving and persistent world. Play co-operatively or competitively, craft and trade items, and level up by completing quests – all for free! Plus, Age of Empires Online still offers all the classic RTS gameplay, empowering players to build mighty empires, manage resources, earn rewards, and battle their way into rich new worlds full of lively villagers, epic warriors, and historically-themed architecture.
In Age of Empires Online, YOU RULE.

Capital City

Capital City
The fate of an empire is in your hands, and from your Capital City you will strengthen your economy, improve your technologies, and embark on quests to expand your influence across the Mediterranean. Custom-design your Capital City as it grows into a center for civilization, using blueprints to build custom buildings that open doors to the rest of the world.


Craft Halls can be constructed in your Capital City. Each Craft Hall allows you to create a variety of Advisors and equipment that enhance different units in the game.
  • Hunting Lodge

    Hunting Lodge

    • Enhances Archers and other missile units.
  • Cavalry Hall

    Cavalry Hall

    • Enhances all mounted units.
  • Military College

    Military College

    • Enhances all infantry units.
  • Engineering College

    Engineering College

    • Enhances siege weapons and some boats.
  • Builder

    Builder's Hall

    • Enhances buildings and some boats.
  • Craftsman

    Craftsman's Hall

    • Enhances Villagers, Fishing Boats, and Trade Carts.
  • Grand Temple

    Grand Temple

    • Enhances Priests.

Units & Buildings

To expand your empire, you'll establish settlements across the world. You can choose from various buildings to help you get a foothold in foreign lands, and you can select from many types of units to gather your resources, defend your territories, and defeat your enemies.


  • Scout


    Players start with the Scout unit on almost every quest. It is a tough, fast unit that excels at uncovering the map and killing aggressive fauna like Wolves and Boars. It isn’t much of a fighter against bandits and other human enemies. You only get one, so keep your Scout alive!
  • Military


    Military units excel at defending your Outposts and attacking enemies. Fairly cheap to produce and available early, these units can receive many upgrades and a lot of equipment to boost their power.
  • Villager


    The backbone of any outpost, the Villager performs all of the mundane tasks you assign. Villagers pick berries, chop wood, and construct the buildings you use to train your army. Their upgrades let them carry more resources and move and build faster.
  • Priest


    Priests can convert enemy units and heal friendly units. If enhanced with the right tech, they can even convert enemy buildings to your side, although they must sacrifice themselves in the process. Even a single Priest can turn the tide of a battle.


  • Barracks


    At the Barracks, you train infantry units. The bulk of most fighting forces come from here, as well as their upgrades. Available from the start, the Spearman is a great unit for fighting animals and early bandits.
  • House


    Houses add to the population limit for each quest. For every one built, the limit increases by five and lets you build more villagers or military units. Smart players might use several houses to wall off entrances to their base.
  • Storehouse


    The Storehouse is a drop-off point for resources gathered by villagers. Small and cheap, it can be built near any resource allowing efficient use of villagers. The upgrades for resource gathering are also found here for wood, food, stone, and gold.
  • Guardtower


    Guardtowers provide a way to defend your base and strategic locations without having to spend your limited available population on military units. Although a bit expensive, they can hold their own against small groups of units, especially once upgraded. Paired with Walls, they can be a major part of any defense.



Your empire is gaining notoriety and strength but not enough to tackle your greatest challenges. Alliance is the key. Call upon your closest allies and unite against your foes. You can finish many quests faster with your LIVE friends and reap the benefits of your alliances. For some of the toughest quests, you may find that you can only finish with friends. Once your combined forces lay the enemies to rest, all that’s left is to gather the spoils.

Player vs. Player

You’re on your way to conquering the known world, yet you thirst for greater challenges. Test the civilization you’ve built and your ability to make tactical and strategic decisions. How will your civilization fare against other rising, formidable powers? Find out in the player vs. player game. You can fight against other players or your LIVE friends—the game randomly generates maps for battle. Some PvP wins get you experience points. Some give you only the satisfaction of grinding your opponents into the dust.

Me took it from : Here

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Shin megami tensei online

MegaTen: The Story

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
In the 1990s, mankind was delving into many new technologies that only a few short years before would easily be discounted to the realm of science fiction, one of which was the concept of Teleportation - taking living matter, processing it into data, and placing it in another location in one piece. These experiments would unknowingly lead to the death of one era and the birth of another.

“Pleased to meet you, I’m a man of wealth and taste.”
Data comes from everything - matter, information, actions, inactions… even mythology, imagination and beliefs. This is when strange beings began to soon arrive made up of this data, earning the name Demons. Causing turmoil across the globe, some masqueraded as saviors or bringers of change, influencing man one way or another to destruction. While a few learned of this truth and fought against it, they were too late…

 know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
InterContinental Ballistic Missiles were launched across the globe and the world as man knew it was wiped out in the blink of an eye. But this was not the end. In the events after what was later known as the Great Destruction, a new world was taking form…

In time, the actions and choices of several young people in the demon world and our ruined earth made it into one where Mankind, not those of Gods and Devils, would be able to guide and build as he saw fit. One of both freedom and order. Many of the survivors of this new era lived in large underground shelters known as “Homes”. Lead by the Seven Wise Men, Man journeyed out of its artificial womb and constructed a great tower over the charred ruins of a once great city and was called Shinjuku Babel.

Become the change you seek in the world.”
After years of relative peace, three obelisks recently appeared around the Tokyo area, altering the land around it and bringing with them a surge of Demons to again test man. You are a rookie Demon Buster, one who allies with demons and fights those that run amok, training on the outskirts of Tokyo.hy   fight...?
w do you accomplish your goal...?

Who do you ally with...?
at do you want to achieve...?

These are questions you must soon face, as you take your first steps into a larger world…


Celu Tower (Gold)

The content everyone has been waiting for is finally here - Celu Tower (Gold)!

  • Face new and exciting challenges against floor after incredible floor of high-level Deformed and Nightmare demons.
  • Defeat the boss, win awesome treasure. You may even find yourself in possession of relics of awesome power, including Mjolnir, Thor’s Hammer!
  • The most dedicated of dungeon crawlers may be able to obtain a plug-in and fuse Thor himself!


Shinjuku Babel mechanics have just finished putting together a special Motorbike for Demon Busters! These Motorbikes will allow Demon Busters to travel from one zone to another in a matter of minutes thanks to the Motorbikefs Boost capability. Enjoy the immense speed and ease of travel as the wind dances through your hair while you ride your motorbike in first person perspective.

In order to use a Motorbike, you will need to learn to ride. This is done by purchasing the Rental Motorbike Ticket from the Terminelle Girl in any of the major cities.

You will need to talk to the Terminelle Girl, in any of the major cities, to rent a Motorbike for a specified timed duration (10 minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minutes).




Item Mixing (Alchemy)

The practice of making refined items, from those of lesser quality.

By mixing specific items together, with the help of a little alchemic chemistry, you will be able to create refined items possessing unusual properties. Discover recipes to create powerful runes that increase your demons abilities, or unstable potions that heighten your senses and abilities.



Team Battles

Gather your allies and friends to crush your enemies in fast-paced, high intensity group versus group combat for glory and god-like gear. Choose to fight solo in sided matches against other solo players, or combine your strength with others to demolish the competition in team versus team battle.

To enter team battles, before registering Versus, open up the COMM menu of your COMP. Select Versus Team and create your own team!




Demon Friend Quests

If you have a demon with a friendship level of Good Friends or higher, you will periodically see a message that one of your demons wants to speak with you. When you open your demon list, you can select any demon of the appropriate friendship level and that demon will offer you a quest. Complete the quest and receive XP and other rewards, including interchangeable, customizable codenames! Reach a certain amount of consecutive successes and earn bonus rewards!

You may complete three DFQ a day!





VERSUS is the new PvP feature only available to the characters Level 30 or higher. You may join the battle by talking to NPC “Yaginuma”, who can be found in Nakano first.

There are two types of VERSUS battles:
  • FATE: Fate is a 15-on-15 battle, where the objective is to claim 5 Bases in Fujimi Midgard. The Bases are located throughout the field, and some of them may give your team extra points. You also will gain additional points every 30 seconds if you maintain control of the Bases. Fate focuses on team play and strategy rather than individual skills.
  • VALHALLA: Valhalla is a 5-on-5 battle, where the objective is to defeat the opponents in the Coliseum. Your team will gain points for each character as well as each demon you defeat, and the battle ends when one of the teams reaches the maximum points or the time runs out. Valhalla focuses on individual skills and is geared toward higher level characters.

In VERSUS, the maximum HP of you and your summoned Demon will be increased significantly for the duration of the battle. However, if you summon a Demon after the battle has begun, it will not receive this HP bonus. Also, you will not gain XP in VERSUS mode and you and your demon do not suffer from penalty upon death; instead, you will be rewarded with BP (Battle Points), which you can exchange with items.

Note: While in VERSUS, there is no durability loss on any of your equipment.

Check out the VERSUS Trailer.

Demon Rebirth

Master of the Cathedral of Shadows has reported that he succeeded in developing a new technology. Originally it was believed that, just like the underdeveloped or mutated Demons could never become regular Demons, they would never develop any specializations outside of their normal characteristics. However, this new technology will give the contracted Demons the possibilities to obtain characteristics that were once thought impossible.

You can now "reset" the attributes of your contracted Demons by performing Demon Rebirth. For example, you may be able to develop a Pixie who has extraordinary strength, or a Jack Frost with greater defensive capabilities. Be careful though – the new Demon will be reverted to Level 1.

Cinematic Interfaces

MegaTen features exclusive cut-scenes for quests, demon fusion, and speaking with NPCs.

Exclusive cut-scenes for the NPCs...

As well as demons.

Demon Partnership

You can talk with a demon, capture a demon, and fight with a demon. As you become stronger, so does the demon and its relationship towards you!

Talk to the demons to capture them.

Each demon has unique abilities.

Your demon may begin speaking to you!

Demon Fusion

You can combine 2 or 3 different demons to create a more powerful or unique demon.

Fuse demons to create a brand-new demon!

Weapon Modifications

ability to upgrade your weapon using consumables, weapons, and/or armor.

 Download Client : HERE